Aida Lorenzo | GRFA | Guatemala |
André Aranha Corrêa do Lago | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Brazil |
Andrea Sonnleitner | BEST | Austria |
Andreas K. Gombert | UNICAMP | Brazil |
Annette Cowie | NSW Department of Primary Industries | Australia |
Aulus Bineli | Vesta | Brazil |
Axel Funke | KIT | Germany |
Berend Vreugdenhil | TNO | The Netherlands |
Bernhard Drosg | BOKU University | Austria |
Bruna Moraes | UNICAMP | Brazil |
Bruno Alves | UNEM | Brazil |
Camilo Adas | Be8 | Brazil |
Carolina Grassi | RSB | Brazil |
Cassio Hamilton Abreu Junior | USP | Brazil |
Christian Rakos | WBA | Austria |
Christiane Hennig | DBFZ | Germany |
Damon Hartley | INL | USA |
Daniela Thraen | UFZ | Germany |
Dina Bacovsky | BEST, IEA Bioenergy | Austria |
Dong Renjie | CAU | China |
Fabian Schipfer | TU Wien | Austria |
Federico Salcedo | USGC | USA |
Floor van der Hilst | Utrecht University | The Netherlands |
Francisco Girio | LNEG | Portugal |
Fuli Li | CAS | China |
Gerard Ostheimer | Biofuture Campaign | USA |
Glaucia M. Souza | USP | Brazil |
Gonçalo A. Pereira | UNICAMP | Brazil |
Guanyi Chen | Tianjin University | China |
Guenther C. Krieger Filho | USP | Brazil |
Heitor Cantarella | IAC | Brazil |
Jack Saddler | UBC | Canada |
Jacqueline Vaessen | ChemistryNL | The Netherlands |
Jan Liebetrau | Rytec | Germany |
Jim Spaeth | DOE | USA |
João Vicente | Braskem | Brazil |
Joaquim E.A.l Seabra | UNICAMP | Brazil |
Jorge da Silva | Texas A&M | USA |
José Muisers | RVO | The Netherlands |
Jossy Thomas | UNIDO | Austria |
Julio Meneghini | RCGI | Brazil |
Jurema Monteiro | ABEAR | Brazil |
Kees Kwant | RVO | The Netherlands |
Keith Kline | ORNL, Biofuture Platform | USA |
Kyriakos Maniatis | Consultant | Belgium |
Lais de Souca Garcia | MRE, Biofuture Platform | Brazil |
Laís Thomas | UFG, MME | Brazil |
Laurent Spreutels | NRC | Canada |
Lee Lynd | Dartmouth College | USA |
Linda Schmid | USGC | USA |
Luc Pelkmans | IEA Bioenergy | Belgium |
Luciano Verdade | USP | Brazil |
Luis Cassinelli | Prefeitura de Piracicaba | Brazil |
Luiz A. Horta Nogueira | UNIFEI | Brazil |
Luiz K. Carvalho de Souza | UFAM | Brazil |
Mar Edo | RISE | Sweden |
Marcelo Moreira | Agroicone | Brazil |
Maria Georgiadou | European Commission | EC |
Mario de Luna Barbosa | Wärtsilä | Brazil |
Marjorie M. Guarenghi | Agroícone | Brazil |
Mark Brown | USC | Australia |
Marlon Arraes Jardim Leal | MME | Brazil |
Massimiliano Corsi | Paraguayan Chamber of Biofuels and Renewable Energy | Paraguay |
Michael Boot | CEO Vertoro | The Netherlands |
Michael Wang | NREL | USA |
Myrsini Christou | CRES | Greece |
Niclas S. Bentsen | University of Copenhagen | Denmark |
Niklas Hinkel | IIASA | Austria |
Patricia Audi | UNICA | Brazil |
Paul Bennett | Scion Research | New Zealand |
Paul Stuart | McGill University | Canada |
Pedro de La Fuente | IATA | Switzerland |
Peter Kornatz | DBFZ | Germany |
Prakash Lakshmanan | Sugarcane Research Institute | China |
Rafael V. Ribeiro | UNICAMP | Brazil |
Raffaella Rossetto | IAC | Brazil |
Rainer Janssen | WIP Renewable Energies | Germany |
Ricardo Mussa | Raizen | Brazil |
Robert Baldwin | NREL | USA |
Rocio Diaz-Chaves | Imperial College | UK |
Ronaldo D. Mansano | USP | Brazil |
Rubens Maciel | UNICAMP | Brazil |
Susan van Dyk | UBC | Canada |
Taisa M. Dinamarco | USP | Brazil |
Thayse Hernandes | LNBR | Brazil |
Tiziana Pirelli | GBEP | Italy |
Tom Walsh | Renetech | Ireland |
Tomas Ekbom | SVEBIO | Sweden |
Wagner R. de Souza | UFABC | Brazil |
Willemijn Witteveen | Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy John Posada, Delft University of Technology | The Netherlands |